Author: |
王文君 Wang, Wen-Chun |
Thesis Title: |
我的青春白日夢 My Youth Daydreaming |
Advisor: |
Lee, Cheng-Ming |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2018 |
Academic Year: | 106 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 86 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 夢境 、幻想 、象徵 、潛意識 |
Keywords (in English): | Dream, Fantasy, Symbolic, Subconscious |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 240 Downloads: 0 |
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Without the courage to face the hustle and bustle, the author is a daydreamer person in her life, there were too many people living in this real life can’t achieve what they want. Like those who were living in this real life, trying to daydream during their stressful moment just to run away from reality and find happiness those dream-like world. Daydreaming too is a form of escape from depression. As the world is changing fast, imagination enables people to imagine beyond what they see.
Describing the true form of her imaginary world, the author brings the reader along to discover her world. As this was her characteristic and her true feelings about this world, the tittle was made to describe human life and one`s imaginary world. Rebuilding a different aspect to see the world, creating some scenes that is not exit, the author express a world with full love by using the inversion of philosophical thinking and enhance one’s soul.
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13 Freud, Sigmund 在1908年的論文:《作家與白日夢》,孫慶民譯。收錄於:弗洛伊德。弗洛伊德文集(第四卷) (車文博鍽),(台北:長春,1908)。│
14 Freud, Sigmund (西格蒙德·弗洛伊德)著,《夢的解析》,(台北:左岸文化,2010)。
15 Isabella Ascoli 主編,楊榮甲譯,《巨匠美術周刊-馬格利特100期》,(臺北:錦繡出版,1994)。
16 Jung,Carl Gustav 榮格把原型(Archetype)這概念稱為「原始意象」(Primordial image),即指源於遠古時期的社會經驗所形成的人類普遍的心理結構產物。(鴻鈞譯,1990)
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18 Murray Stein,《榮格心靈地圖》: (Jung’s Map of the Soul:an introduction) 》,朱侃如譯,(台北縣:立緒文化,2003)。
19 引文出自 Theories of Modern Art, ed. By Herschel B. Chipp, California: University of California Press, 1968, pp. 450 (中文版:余珊珊譯,《現代藝術理論》,共二冊,台北:遠流,1995) 。
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