Author: |
Thesis Title: |
視障人士對ATM台語語音輔助功能的使用意願:一個先導研究 The willingness of visually impaired individuals in using Taiwanese language audio assistance on ATMs:a pilot study |
Advisor: |
Huang, Hao-Ting |
Committee: |
Huang, Hao-Ting 劉玉皙 Liu, Yu-Hsi 余健源 Sher, Chien-Yuan |
Approval Date: | 2024/05/12 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 63 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 視障ATM 、台語 、科技接受模型 、雙語提款機 、台語語音輔助功能 |
Keywords (in English): | Visually Impaired ATM, Taiwanese, Technology Acceptance Model, bilingual ATMs, Taiwanese Audio Assistance Function |
Research Methods: | 生活史訪談 、 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 264 Downloads: 5 |
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根據衛福部2017年身心障礙者統計人數,台灣視覺障礙者共計5萬5,830人,其中2萬6,058人屬於45~59歲的青壯人口,肩負家庭經濟支柱,有財務打理需求,其財務管理途徑可經由親友家人協助、透過銀行櫃檯臨櫃服務,或可藉由使用語言ATM來達到更安全、更高的財務管理自主性。綜觀全台各家銀行的語音ATM,目前語言輔助模式僅提供單一華語服務,並無其他語言服務選項。然從主計處2020年統計資料顯示,全台以台語為主要日常溝通語言者占31.7%,其中65歲以上佔65.9%,台語在臺灣具有一定普及率。因此,對於華語非母語的視障者而言,ATM僅提供華語語音服務是否成為其使用語音ATM時的不確定性或不安全感? ATM提供台語語音輔助服務是否可增加其使用意願?
According to the statistics on people with disabilities released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2017, there were 55,830 visually impaired individuals in Taiwan. Among them, 26,058 individuals were aged between 45 and 59, carried financial supporting responsibility for their families. Their banking management needs can be assisted by their relatives, friends, counter service at banks, or by using audio assistance ATMs to achieve higher security and independent on financial management. Upon research on audio assistance ATMs offered by various banks in Taiwan, Mandarin is the only language services that is provided, there is no other language options available. However, according to statistics from the Directorate-General of Budget and statistic in 2020, there is 31.7% of the population in Taiwan primarily communicating in Taiwanese, Taiwanese is a popular language in Taiwan. Therefore, for visually impaired individuals whose first language is not Mandarin Chinese, does it creates uncertainty or insecurity when using a Mardian only audio assisted ATMs? Would it be possible to increase their willingness on using ATMs if Taiwanese audio assisted is provided?
This study applied a mixed methods research approach, combining the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with interviews of visually impaired individuals, to investigate whether providing the addition of Taiwanese language services to audio assistance ATMs would increase their willingness to use them, leading to actual adoption behavior.
Based on the result of surveys, interviews and literature review, draw conclusion and recommendations on the willingness of visually impaired individuals in using Taiwanese language audio assistance ATMs.
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