Author: |
沈銀真 Shen Yin Chen |
Thesis Title: |
探討馬勒《第五號交響曲》之音樂內涵與創作思維 |
Advisor: | 黃均人 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
音樂學系 Department of Music |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2006 |
Academic Year: | 94 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 192 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 馬勒 、第五號交響曲 |
Keywords (in English): | Mahler, The Fifth Symphony |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 451 Downloads: 95 |
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《第五號交響曲》(The Fifth Symphony, 1901-1902年) 是作曲家馬勒(Gustav Mahler, 1860-1911)進入二十世紀的首部交響曲,亦是馬勒由少年魔號時期跨越到呂克特歌曲時期的代表性交響曲。進入《第五號交響曲》,作曲家不僅避開標題,不再包含人聲的部分,同時交響曲與歌曲創作之間的關係,也有了微妙的轉變。從很多方面來看,音樂都與前面階段有所不同,包含像是:更為精緻洗鍊的對法寫作技法,以及清晰的複音織體。此外,創作《第五號交響曲》前後,馬勒認識阿瑪(Alma Maria Schinder, 1879-1964),並且與她結婚,開啟他生命中一個嶄新的階段。這一連串的事件都標示著《第五號交響曲》背後蘊含特殊的創作背景,也呈現馬勒十幾年交響曲創作生涯中,一個重要的轉變階段。
The Fifth Symphony (1901-1902) is the first symphony of the twentieth century composed by Gustav Mahler(1860-1911). In addition, it is Mahler’s respective work from Wunderhorn Period to Ruckert Period. From this work, the composer abandoned the program. This symphony didn’t contain the voice. The relation between symphonies and songs has made slight changes. As for all aspects, the music is different from that before, including excellent counterpoint writing skills and clear polyphony context. Besides, Mahler met Alma, got married to her and began his new life. A series of events not only represent the particular context of The Fifth Symphony, but also reveal the important changes in Mahler’s writing career.
In order to realize the content of the symphony and the thoughts of the composer, here are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter One is Introduction. Chapter Two inquires about the creation background of the symphony. Based on the work’s context, these opinions are discussed as the followings: (1) Through the inquiry about the life experiences of Mahler, we realize how the environments, the psychological factors, and the concept of life and death influence the work. (2) When Mahler abandoned the program in The Fifth Symphony, what did he think about program music and abstract music? (3) The first performance and revisions of The Fifth Symphony. Chapter Three discusses the use of the songs’ materials in this symphony, so as to realize the shifts of songs’ materials in the symphony. Chapter Four focuses on the masterpiece itself, including the structure, the analyses of themes and the writing methods. Here are deep discussions on some important concerns in this symphony’s every movement as well. Chapter Five is the conclusion, which represents the essential writing method in The Fifth Symphony and the important role of The Fifth Symphony in Mahler’s writing career.
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二 中文期刊
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喜多尾道冬。〈殷巴爾談馬勒的交響曲〉。衛徳全 譯。《全音音樂文摘》
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