Author: |
陳智瑋 Chen, Zhi-Wei |
Thesis Title: |
以 CORPS 模式分析中大紅襪棒球學校之經營管理 An analytical study on the management of Zhongda Red Sox Baseball Academy in the model of CORPS |
Advisor: |
Tan, Tien-Chin |
Committee: |
Tan, Tien-Chin 張育綺 Chang, Yu Chi 蔣任翔 JIANG, REN SHIANG |
Approval Date: | 2022/06/28 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所運動休閒與餐旅管理碩士在職專班 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management_Continuing Education Master's Program of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 83 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 社區棒球 、非營利組織 、體育運動組織 、CORPS 模式 |
Keywords (in English): | community baseball, non-profit organization, Sports organization, CORPS model |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 165 Downloads: 12 |
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近年臺灣各型態的社區棒球發展慢慢越來越興盛,尤其是在伴兒型的社區棒球隊更讓家長有很高的認同度,學員可以在不影響課業的狀況下也能享受打棒球的快樂,在共學的模式下不只能夠建立規律的運動習慣,還能擁有共同話題,進而培養良好的親子關係。本研究藉由中大紅襪棒球學校這個從十幾位經營到現在擁有三百五十位學員的代表性個案,以 CORPS 模式中的六大面向來探討組織經營管理的整體消長。研究目的:本研究將以司徒達賢 (1999) 提出的 CORPS 模式之決策核心 (DC)、服務對象 (C)、業務營運 (O)、財力物力資源 (R)、人力組成結構 (P)、服務內容 (S) 六個面向,針對中大紅襪棒球學校組織經營的整體消長作探討。研究方法:本研究採半結構式訪談,依照CORPS 模式六個面向為根據,以中大紅襪棒球學校的組織幹部或加入組織 7 年以上之成員為訪談對象。研究結果:綜觀第肆章的分析與討論,整理出球隊運作模式運作下整體茁壯變化過程的關鍵因子,其主要關鍵因子為組織核心決策者從創隊開始無私的為球隊奉獻受到多數成員認同所產生的人格魅力,然而在決策核心擁有的人格魅力下運用並改良美國威廉波特的運行模式,建立了永續的志工團隊,並以親子共學作為組織主要核心理念,且應用了 C、P、R 間的轉換讓學員家長同時擔任志工、捐助者以及被服務的對象等三種不同身分。
Different types of community baseball activities have thrived in Taiwan in recent years. Especially in the companion-type community baseball team, parents have a high degree of recognition. Students can enjoy playing baseball without affecting their schoolwork. The model of shared learning can establish regular exercise habits and share common topics, cultivating a good parent-child relationship. Based on the representative case of the CUHK Red Sox Baseball School, which has a dozen students and now has 350 students, this study explores the overall growth and development of organizational management through the six aspects of the CORPS model. Research purpose: This research will use the decision core (DC), service object (C), business operation (O), financial and material resources (R), human composition structure (P), and Service content (S) as six aspects, discuss the overall growth and development of the organization and operation of the CUHK Red Sox Baseball School. Research methods: This study adopts semi-structured interviews, based on the six aspects of the CORPS model, with the CUHK Red Sox baseball school's organizational cadres or members who have joined the team for more than seven years as the interview objects. Research results: According to the analysis and discussion in Chapter 4, we have sorted out the key factors of the overall robust change process operation of the team's operation mode. The main key factor is the charisma of the core decision-makers of the organization, which is the selfless dedication to the team since the founding of the team and recognition by the majority of members. Under the charisma of the decision-making core, it uses and improves the operation mode of Williamsport in the United States, establishes a sustainable volunteer team, and takes parent-child learning as the primary iii
core concept of the organization. The converse between C, P, and R allowed the members’ parents' identities to serve simultaneously as volunteers, donors, and service objects.
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