Author: |
陳美菁 Mei-Ching Chen |
Thesis Title: |
精油按摩對於銀行員工慢性肩頸疼痛舒緩之研究-當歸精油按摩與岩蘭草精油按摩之分析 A Study on the Effectiveness of Using Angelica sinensis (Dong quai) Essential Oil and Vetiver (Vetivera Zizanioides) Essential Oilduring Aroma Massage to Relief Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain among the Bank Employee. |
Advisor: |
Lee, Ching-Mei |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2010 |
Academic Year: | 98 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 97 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 按摩 、肩頸疼痛 、岩蘭草精油 、當歸精油 、銀行員工 |
Keywords (in English): | Massage, Neck and shoulder pain, Vetiver(Vetivera Zizanioides)essential oil, Angelica sinensis (Dong quai) essential oil, Bank employee |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 559 Downloads: 72 |
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目前台灣勞工肩部痠痛問題日益嚴重,幾乎將近一半的勞工有肩頸部疼痛的問題,但就醫者卻很少,而推拿中使中藥藥酒或是近幾年興起的芳香療法,都是目前大部分人用以解決肩頸部不適問題的方法。本研究探討運用岩蘭草精油按摩與當歸精油按摩,對於銀行員工肩頸疼痛按摩成效之比較,採準實驗設計法(quasi-experimental design),採招募取樣後隨機抽樣方式選定個案。個案來源自某銀行員工,工作性質是長時間於電腦前工作者,且有慢性肩頸部疼痛超過一個月以上。樣本數共93位,分為實驗組I給予岩蘭草精油按摩,計32位;實驗組II給予當歸精油按摩,計31位;對照組則不給予任何處置,計30位。精油按摩介入時間為連續3天,每天1次,每次5分鐘,並進行前測、後測、及後後測問卷施測。
Nearly half of the labors in Taiwan nowadays are suffered from severe shoulder pain. However, very few labors go for medical help. Massage with Chinese herbal wine and aromatherapy are the most common ways to relieve neck and shoulder pain. This research compared the effect of Vetiver (Vetivera Zizanioides) essential oil massage and that of Angelica sinensis (Dong quai) essential oil massage on neck and shoulder pain among bank employee. Quasi-experimental design was adapted and study cases were chosen by random sampling. The subjects were ninety three bank employee who worked long hour on computer task and suffered from chronic neck and shoulder pain more than one month. Thirty two subjects received the massage with Vetiver (Vetivera Zizanioides) essential oil (Experimental Group I). Thirty one subjects received the massage with Angelica sinensis (Dong quai) essential oil (Experimental Group II). Thirty subjects received no massage (Control Group). Aroma massage was used for three consecutive days and five minutes for each day. Questionnaire were administered The extent of relief before, immediate effect and delay effect after aroma massage were analyzed. The results indicated that the relief effects on neck and shoulder pain of Experimental Group I (massaged with Vetiver) and Experimental Group II (massaged with Angelica sinensis) were significantly better than Control Group. Both aroma massage were helpful to relieve the neck and shoulder pain among the bank employee. However, there was no significant difference between the effects of these two essential oils aroma massage.
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