Author: |
莊佩瑾 |
Thesis Title: |
社會性故事教學對改善國中高功能自閉症學生互動行為成效之研究 |
Advisor: |
Chang, Cheng-Fen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2007 |
Academic Year: | 95 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 183 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 高功能自閉症學生 、社會性故事 、互動行為 |
Keywords (in English): | high-functioning autistic student, social story, social interaction |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 313 Downloads: 260 |
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摘 要
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of social story instruction on negative peer interaction of a junior high school student with high-functioning autism. A 1st-grade student with high-functioning autism attaining resource program of a junior high school was included in this study. A single-subject multiple-baseline design across behaviors was used in this study. This study last for 12 weeks, including baseline, intervention and maintenance periods. The independent variable was social story instruction, including a series of social stories presented in computer based format, role playing and reading social stories every day. The dependent variables were the number of performance of the subject on negative peer interaction in the natural setting. The negative peer interactions were excessively familiar behaviors, inappropriate behaviors and inappropriate language. The data collected were analyzed by using visual inspection techniques and after teaching, the subject, the subject’s instructor and the subject’s peers filled in feedback tables. The feedback tables were used to collect the data for social validity.
The results of this study were summarized as follow:
1. Social story instruction can improve excessively familiar behaviors of a junior high school student with high-functioning autism and during maintenance phases, the subject maintained the number of excessively familiar behaviors as intervention phase.
2. Social story instruction can improve inappropriate behaviors of a junior high school student with high-functioning autism, but after the intervention was removed, the effects of social story instruction were instable during maintenance phases.
3. Social story instruction can improve inappropriate language of a junior high school student with high-functioning autism and during maintenance phases, the subject maintained the number of inappropriate language as intervention phase. But the result could be affected by the covariate, the effect needed to be illustrated carefully.
4. The questionnaires which were implemented after teaching experiment indicated that the subject, the subject’s instructor and the subject’s peers had a positive recognition for the effects of social story instruction.
Finally, according to this research, suggestions for teaching and future research were discussed in the study.
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