Author: |
朱美娟 Chu, Mei-Chuan |
Thesis Title: |
新加坡基督徒諮商師宗教價值觀與案主價值觀衝突之經驗與倫理抉擇 The Experiences and Ethical Choices of Christian Counsellors in Singapore When Their Religious Values Collide with Clients’ Values |
Advisor: |
Chen, Ping-Wha |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 321 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 宗教價值觀 、倫理抉擇 、倫理抉擇模式 、基督徒諮商師 、認同衝突 、價值觀衝突 、諮商倫理 |
Keywords (in English): | Christian counsellor, Counseling ethics, Ethical decision making, Ethical decision model, Identity conflict, Religious values, Value conflict |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 292 Downloads: 6 |
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This study aims to explore the experience and ethical decisions of Christian counsellors in Singapore when faced with value conflicts with their clients. Purposive sampling and snowball sampling were used to recruit as research subjects 15 Christian counsellors in Singapore who had experienced value conflicts with their clients. The Constructivist Grounded Theory approach was adopted as the research method. Semi-structured and in depth interviews were conducted to collect data. Data sampling and analysis were continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. The research findings are: (1) when Christian counsellors in Singapore face value conflicts with their clients, there are three different ethical decision making pathways employed by the counsellors: “prioritising counselling ethics before adjusting to achieve consistency or avoid conflict”; “moving from being unable to decide on a position to achieving consistency or integration”; “prioritising religious values before adjusting to achieve consistency”. Possible factors which influence how a counsellor arrives at an ethical decision making pathway are: the degree of emotional tension the counsellor experiences in a value conflict, the counsellor’s consideration of the work environment and prioritisation of professional ethics, the counsellor’s consideration of compatibility between his/her personal values and the Singapore law, societal and universal values; and other personal factors; (2) Christian counsellors from all three different ethical decision making pathways experienced conflicts between values inherent in their identities as a Christian and as a counsellor; consequently this gave rise to identity conflicts and attempts at resolving these conflicts. Counsellors adopted different strategies to resolve their identity conflicts, including: avoiding in-depth reflection; avoiding confrontation of the value conflict; adjusting one’s religious values to achieve compatibility with one’s professional ethics; and concurrently adjusting both personal religious values and professional ethics and combining the two; (3) in all three ethical decision making pathways, there were two stages of cognitive processing. The first stage occurs during the counsellor’s interaction with the client in the counselling session. At this stage, the counsellor needs to quickly make an ethical decision. It is harder to make a rational decision at this stage. Their decision is influenced by the degree of their emotional tension as well as their prior attitude toward the relevant issues. The second stage occurs after the counselling session ends, when there is more time for reflection and seeking of professional help to assess the quality of the ethical decision made. This is done until the identity crisis is resolved or its intensity reduced, such that it no longer interferes with the counselling service in benefiting the client. The decision at this stage is influenced by intentional diligence, and objective, rational consideration. (4) when the counsellor's ethical decision conflicts with the values and beliefs inherent in their identities, the counsellor experiences identity conflict, which is detrimental toward the counselling relationship and the counselling process; and (5) characteristics of the ethical decision-making adopted by counsellors when faced with value conflicts are: ethical decision making comprises two stages of cognitive processing; different factors influence decisions made in the two stages of cognitive processing; and the integrated ethical acculturation strategy can improve the quality of ethical decision making.
The researcher also compared the research findings with two ethical decision making models recently proposed by scholars for the purpose of helping counsellors dealing with value conflicts or ethical dilemmas. Thereafter, the researcher proposes “a two stage ethical decision making model for counsellors facing value conflicts” as a reference for professional educators, supervisors and counsellors on the subject of handling value conflicts. In addition, this study also includes discussions and suggestions on practice, education and training, relevant professional ethical code guidelines and future research.
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