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Author: 林永塗
Lin, Yung-Tu
Thesis Title: 徳布西管弦樂曲《海》的樂曲分析與指揮銓釋
Advisor: 許瀞心
Degree: 碩士
Department: 音樂學系
Department of Music
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 134
Keywords (in Chinese): 徳布西印象樂派法國標題性逝世一百周年指揮
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 127Downloads: 31
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  • 摘要

    《海》是德布西最為傑出的管弦樂作品。這部作品的複雜與千變萬化是音樂史上罕見的。 他的音樂雖然具有「標題性」,但是他不是講述一個故事或表現特定的情感,而是創造一個符合作品的情緒或氣氛。今年2018年適逢德布西逝世100周年,筆者很榮幸能藉此機會,希望透過了解作曲家的生平歷程、作曲技巧、音樂風格及影響等研究,進而對樂曲加以分析與提出指揮的詮釋分享,來紀念這位「印象派」音樂大師。


    Debussy is a representative of impressionist music and one of the composers who has a strong influence on the musical process of the 20th century. In the late 19th century, Paris was an European cultural center and various arts flourished in this French capital. Although the arts such as literature and painting have brilliant achievements, the development of music is not as vibrant as expected, and it is deeply embedded in the aesthetic orientation of the Germanic tradition. Debussy is considered to be the pioneer of his time. He has embarked on an unprecedented and new path for French music and achieved an extraordinary new world in music.
    《La mer》 is Debussy’s most outstanding orchestral work. The complexity and ever-changing nature of this work is rare in the history of music. Although his music is 「program music」,he did not tell a story or express a particular emotion, but rather creates a mood or atmosphere that matches the work. This year coincides with the 100th anniversary of Debussy’s death. I am honored to take the opportunity to research the author’s biography, composition techniques, music style and influence, to analyze and present the interpretation of conducting this piece. To commemorate this impressionist maestro.

    摘要 1 Abstract 2 目次 3 圖表目次 5 譜例目次 6 第一章 緒論 10 第一節 研究的動機與目的 10 第二節 研究的範圍與方法 12 第二章 德布希的生平與創作 14 第一節 德布西的生平與求學歷程 14 第二節 德布西的創作時期與主要作品 17 第三節 德布西管弦樂作品《海》的創作背景 18 第三章 德布希的音樂風格與影響 21 第一節 影響德布西音樂的來源 21 第二節 德布西的創作技法與風格 25 第四章 樂曲分析 34 第一節 海上的黎明到中午 34 第二節 浪的嬉戲 56 第三節 海與風的對話 73 第五章 指揮詮釋 88 第一節 海上的黎明到中午 88 第二節 浪的嬉戲 98 第三節 海與風的對話 110 第六章 版本比較 124 第七章 結論 127 參考書目 130

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    Debussy: La mer ∙ hrSinfonieorchester ∙ Juraj Valčuha。2012
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    Claude Debussy: La Mer; Philharmonia Orchestra, Herbert von Karajan
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    Debussy La Mer (Full Length) : Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra ,Myung Whun Chung
    登入時間:107 11 12
    Debussy: La mer ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Paavo Järvi
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    Esa-Pekka Salonen & Orchestre de Paris: Claude Debussy - La Mer
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    Claude Debussy : La Mer Conductor: Vladimir Ashkenazy Cleveland Orchestra
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    Claude Debussy :La Mer Los Angeles Philharmonic [Orchestra], Gustavo Dudamel [Conductor]
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    La Mer Muti/Berliner Debussy Philharmoniker 1. Rehearsal, 2. Performance, Riccardo Muti
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