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Author: 呂天齡
Lu, Ten lin
Thesis Title: 植基於模糊推論及模糊聚類法之模糊模式鑑別之研究
A study of fuzzy modeling identification apporach based on fuzzy
Advisor: 謝澄漢
Degree: 碩士
Department: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
Academic Year: 84
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 114
Keywords (in Chinese): 模糊模式模糊聚類
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 176Downloads: 0
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  • 本研究旨在設計一植基於模糊推論及模糊聚類法之模糊模式鑑別,以改善

    The purpose of this study was to design a fuzzy modeling
    identification approach which was based on fuzzy reasoning and
    fuzzy cluster and to improve the defects of traditional fuzzy
    modeling identification approach. In this study, first applying
    the fuzzy reasoning concepts induced the fuzzy model and made
    the base of a fuzzy modeling identification. Then applying a
    hierarchical fuzzy clustering approach to classify the output
    data, it could identify the consequent structure of the fuzzy
    model and set the initial value of membership function. Next, by
    means of a double hierarchical objective function fuzzy
    clustering identified the significant input variables and fuzzy
    rules of fuzzy modeling. Eventually, this study tried to
    illustrate some numerical examples to verify the validity of
    those proposed method.The results of this study were as
    follows:1. By reviewing literature understood the type of the
    fuzzy reasoning and the fuzzy cluster and the fuzzy modeling
    identification approach. According to the direction of this
    study adopt proper method to achieve the purpose of this
    study.2. This study applied a hierarchical fuzzy clustering
    approach to classify the output data, and obtained the initial
    value of membership function and reduced parameter tuning times.
    Next in order to reduced times of a structure of fuzzy modeling
    explored and reduced complexity of fuzzy model structure, and
    improved defects of traditional fuzzy modeling identification
    approach by a double hierarchical objective function fuzzy
    clustering that identify significant input variables and fuzzy
    rules of fuzzy modeling.3. Applying the results of computer
    simulation verified that a hierarchical fuzzy clustering
    approach could link different classification data of single-
    input single-output system into one system. And a double
    hierarchical objective function fuzzy clustering and fuzzy curve
    could rapidly identify the input variables of fuzzy modeling for
    the multi-input one-output system, and reduced rule base and
    saved inference times. Therefore the results of this study was
    verified useful.
    The purpose of this study was to design a fuzzy modeling
