Author: |
林子鈞 Lin, Tzu-Chun |
Thesis Title: |
龍舟運動之團隊凝聚力研究 A Study of Team Cohesion in Dragon Boat |
Advisor: |
Hung, Tsung-Min |
Committee: |
HONG, QIAO-LING 張育愷 CHANG, YU-KAI 洪聰敏 Hung, Tsung-Min |
Approval Date: | 2022/05/27 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 32 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 龍舟運動 、社會企業 、團體運動 、團隊凝聚力 |
Keywords (in English): | dragon boat sports, social enterprise, team sports, team cohesion |
Research Methods: | 實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 282 Downloads: 41 |
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Foreword: This study mainly examined the relationship between volume of practice in dragon boat sports and team cohesion in enterprise employees, which signifies the use of a popular traditional team sport for building up cohesion in work force. The study looked into the effect the number of dragon boat drills on the cohesiveness within groups, which could provide empirical research results on the positive dependence of the cohesion process between team sports and corporate employees. Hypothesis: The team cohesion score of dragon boat participants with highest number of drills is higher than that of the intermediate group and the group with the lowest number of drills. Methods: A total of 150 participants were recruited for the questionnaire survey in this study. The Chinese version of the multi-dimensional Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ) was used for data collection while descriptive statistics, Pearson product-difference correlation analysis, and Two-factor analysis of variance were used to explore the differences on team cohesion among participants with different number of dragon boat drills. Results: Dragon boat sports participants in the high-level group scored significantly higher than those in the middle-level group and the low-level group in team social attractiveness to individuals and team social integration, while women had higher teamwork attractiveness to men. Conclusion: Participation in Dragon boat sports was associated with improved cooperative behavior within groups, strengthened camaraderie among the members of the enterprise group, deepened shared values, and improved willingness to work hard for the common team goal.
Keywords: dragon boat sports, social enterprise, team sports, team cohesion
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