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臺北市一般高中生體育態度與健康促進生活型態之研究 The Research of The Attitude on Physical Education and Health Lifestyle Promoting of General Senior High School Students in Taipei City |
Advisor: |
Wang, Chun-Chi 朱文增 Chu, Wen-Tseng |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 100 |
Number of pages: | 186 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 一般高中學生 、體育態度 、健康促進生活型態 |
Keywords (in English): | general high school students, physical education attitude, health lifestyle promoting |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1572 Downloads: 61 |
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一、個人背景變項的分布情形可分為(1)女生比男生多(2)二年級學生居多(3)BMI值以「正常(18.5-未滿24)」為主(4) 與父母同住的情形最多。
七、不同年級、BMI指數、社經地位、家庭居住情形、雙親支持意願的學生在「營養」、「心理壓力」、「健康責任」、「運動行為」、「自尊行為」、「自我了解」、 「壓力釋放」、「拓展健康」與「整體健康促進生活型態」的分數上皆沒有顯
八、健康促進生活型態與體育態度有相關性存在,且為正相關。「整體體育態度」與健康促進生活型態之「營養」、「心理壓力」、「健康責任」、「運動行為」、「自尊行為」、「自我了解」、「壓力釋放」、「拓展健康」及「整體健康促進生活型態」的相關係數皆達顯著水準(p < .05),表示當學生在「整體體育態度」的分數越高時,則在「營養」、「心理壓力」、「健康責任」、「運動行為」、「自尊行為」、「自我了解」、「壓力釋放」、「拓展健康」及「整體健康促進生活型態」的分數也會越高,亦表示當學生在體育態度越良好,在健康促進生活型態各項目的表現也會越好。
The study aims to discuss the relation between senior high school students’ attitude toward physical education and health lifestyle promoting in Taipei City, and analyze the disparity under current status and different variables as well as explore its correlation. Questionnaire survey was conducted in this study. The population was selected from 477 high school students of 12 senior high schools at the 2011 academic year. The statistical techniques applied to measurements of physical education and health lifestyle promoting. Data processing includes descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA,Pearson product-moment correlation. After processing and analyzing the collected information, all remarkable standard(α)set at .05. The major findings are as following:
1. The personal background variable distributed situation can divide into (1) number of female students are more than male students, (2) the most number of students is at 2nd Grade, (3) normal BMI value, as primary, is above 18.5, but not over 24, (4) the most is living together with their parents.
2. The dimensions of general high school students’ attitude toward to physical education in Taipei City can be classified as “Affection”, Pressure”, Self-Respect Behaviour”, “Health Development”, “Pressure Released”, “Sports Behaviour”, “Nutrition”, “Health Responsibility”. In general, the average score of various and the whole scale is higher than the middle rate of 3, and it forwards to a positive and aggressive trend.
3. There has remarkable difference on the score of “Act Intention”, “Affection”, “Cognition” and “The Whole Attitude on Physical Education” of different sex of seniorhigh school students. The score of male students’ is higher than female’s.
4. There has no remarkable difference existed on the score of different grade, society status, family housing situation, the level of parents who support their children to do sports, whether participates sport clubs, and students who are in “Action Intention”, “Affection”, “Cognition” and “The Whole Attitude on Physical Education” taking physical education class.
5. There has remarkable difference existed on BMI index, the average number of doing exercise per month, like doing sports, number of physical education class per week and “Action Intension”, “Affection”, and “The Whole Attitude on Physical Education” of self health aware students.
6. There has remarkable difference existed on the score of sex students in “Nutrition”,“Health Responsibility”, “Sports Behaviour”, “Self-Respect Behaviour”, and “The Whole Attitude on Health Lifestyle Promoting”, and the males’ score is obviously higher than the females’.
7. There has no remarkable difference existed on the score of different grade, BMI index, society status, family housing situation, parents who support their children willing to do sports in “Nutrition”, “Pressure”, “Health Responsibility”, “Sports Behaviour”, “Self Understanding”, “Pressure Released” Health Development” and The Whole Attitude on Health Lifestyle Promoting”.
8. The relevant of existence on health lifestyle promoting and physical education attitudeis positive correlation. The correlation coefficients of “The Whole Attitude on Physical Education”, and Health Lifestyle Promoting in “Nutrition”, “Pressure”, “Health Responsibility”, “Sports Behaviour”, “Self-Respect Behaviour”, “Self Understanding”, “Pressure Released”, “Health Development”, and “The Whole Attitude on Health Lifestyle Promoting” have all been reached to a remarkable level (p < .05). This means the higher score of students in “The Whole Attitude on Physical Education”, the higher score in “Nutrition”, “Pressure”, “Health Responsibility”, “Sports Behaviour”, “Self-Respect”, “Self Understanding”, “Pressure Released”, “Health Development”and “The Whole Attitude on Health Lifestyle Promoting”. It is also resulted when students having better attitude manner on physical education, it towards to betterperformance on each of health lifestyle promoting.
Key Words: general high school students, physical education attitude, health lifestyle promoting
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