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Author: 鄭至軒
cheng, chih-hsuan
Thesis Title: 變奏的都市景觀-水彩創作研究
Study on the Variation of City Scenery by Watercolor Painting
Advisor: 黃進龍
Degree: 碩士
Department: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
Thesis Publication Year: 2020
Academic Year: 108
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 77
Keywords (in Chinese): 變奏都市建築廢墟美學動態美學痕跡
Keywords (in English): Variations, urban architecture, ruin aesthetics, dynamic aesthetics, traces
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 188Downloads: 60
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  • 都市景觀,是筆者上台北求學階段每天所接觸到的景色,本身對於都市建築的樣貌有著深刻的感受,每天伴隨著興建大樓的施工聲,看著一棟棟的老房被夷為平地,開始興建造型單一且無趣的高樓,走在街頭,往往可以看見牆壁上所殘留的痕跡,或是被閒置的大樓,還有每天通勤時,搭乘交通工具所拍攝的移動都市景觀,這些景象啟發了筆者創作的靈感,而對於這世代帶給我們的視覺刺激,筆者以變奏的都市景觀一詞作為此系列創作的核心。以繪畫為形式的創作中,筆者試圖去呈現這個時代的都市樣貌以及試圖表現過去所殘存的痕跡,利用畫面中的場景安排、元素配置,嘗試將筆者自身身體在這樣一個都市空間所產生的各種關係,試圖去傳達給觀眾,因與觀眾本身的生活環境有連結,所以不失去觀者自身對於畫面的想像空間,也因為這樣試圖去引導讀者喚醒某些以忘記的身體記憶。

    The city scenery is the scene that the author got along with during his college and graduate life in Taipei. The author has a deep feeling about the appearance of urban architecture.
    Every day hearing the sound of construction of the building,and seeing the old house being razed to the ground,to build a monotonous and boring high-rise buildings were his daily life.The traces left on the wall, bandoned buildings on the streets,and the moving cityscape during commuting,all of these scenes inspire the author's creation.
    The author uses the term "The variation scenery in the city " as the core concept of this series of creations to reflect the visual stimulation that this generation brings to us.In his painting, the author tries to present the urban appearance of this era and tries to show the remaining traces of the past.By means of arranging the elements,the author manifestate not only the feeling but also the relationships between his own body and such a city space to the audience.Because of the connection with their own living enviroment,the audiences wouldn’t lose their imagination to the picture,and,therefore,can lead them to arouse some forgotten physical memories.

    Based on the passion for watercolor, the author thinks that there are many possibilities in modern watercolor creation.Therefore, he will further explore how to create new ideas for watercolor, which can be different from the category of classical aesthetic realism, and develop towards a more contemporary meaning and localized creative characteristics.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 目次 iii 圖次 iv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 創作研究方法 5 第三節 研究範圍 6 第四節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 都市的變遷 8 第一節 新舊交替 8 第二節 廢墟的想像 15 第三節 都市的樣貌 21 第四節 動態美學 30 第三章 變奏的都市景觀創作分析 36 第一節 創作理念 36 第二節 創作內容與形式 45 第三節 創作媒材與技法使用 54 第四章 「變奏的都市景觀」作品分析 59 第一節 無人之境 59 第二節 移動的都市景觀 64 第五章 結論 72 參考書目 75

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    中譯書籍 :

    1.伊塔羅·卡爾維諾(Italo Calvino) 著,王志弘 譯 《看不見的城市》,台北 : 時報出版,1993。

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    3.威廉 · 沃恩(William Vaughan) 著,李美蓉 譯《浪漫主義藝術》,台北:遠流,民84

    4.理查德 桑內特(Richard Sennett) 著,黃煜文 譯,《肉體與石頭 西方文明中的身體與城市》,上海,世紀出版社集團,2006。

    5. 黎辛斯基 (Witold Rybczynski) 著,黃中憲譯,《流動的大都會:黎辛斯基的城市規畫再思考》,貓頭鷹出版社,2015

    學術論文 :


    外文書目 :
    Harvey David著《The condition of postmodemity》,England,Blackwell Pub,1989。

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