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Author: 陳碩婷
Thesis Title: 中小企業主表演藝術贊助行為之研究
A Study on the Sponsorship to the Performing Arts of Taiwan’s Small and Medium Business Owners
Advisor: 夏學理
Degree: 碩士
Department: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
Thesis Publication Year: 2009
Academic Year: 97
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 139
Keywords (in Chinese): 表演藝術藝企合作中小企業主贊助
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 政府的經費補助、民間的企業捐助以及演出收入,是臺灣表演藝術團體維持營運的三大經費來源。受限於政府的補助有限,以及不穩定的演出票房,使得民間企業所能給予的資源贊助,成為表演藝術環境中,不可或缺的角色。有鑑於此,近年來,許多表演藝術團體開始仿效國外的藝企合作方式,陸續主動向企業界尋求贊助合作的機會,也使得國內學術界陸續出現許多關於臺灣企業贊助表演藝術的相關研究,從不同的角度試圖探討臺灣藝企合作的現況與未來發展。

    The funding of maintaining the operation for Taiwan’s performing arts groups comes from three major sources: government’s subsidization, enterprise’s donation and
    ticket sales. However, the enterprises’ donation occupies a more crucial role in supporting the performing arts environment among the three because of limited
    subsidization and unstable box office. For this reason, many performing arts groups have adopted foreign art-business cooperation mode in recent years and actively sought performance opportunities patronized by enterprises. In the meanwhile, more and more studies related to local enterprises’ patronage of performing arts have appeared in the domestic academic community. These studies aim to explore the current situation and future development of Taiwan’s art-business cooperation from various perspectives.
    According to foreign and domestic literature related to this topic, high level directors or enterprisers are usually the people who decide to patronize arts groups or
    not when facing such requests. Based on this finding, this study chooses small and medium size enterprises as the objects and tries to explore how the enterprisers evaluate
    this kind of requests. It will also study whether there is connection between their past arts performance participation experience and current evaluation standard.
    This study adopts in-depth case interview approach. The author interviewed the student advisors in Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal
    University and attempted to probe into enterprisers’ arts participation experiences, present situation and his or her attitude toward patronizing performing arts as well as
    possible behavior modes when facing the patronage seeking.
    The result of this study shows that all of the0 interviewed enterprisers would regularly participate in arts activities and appreciate what is more closely related to their business field or self-study interests. They usually gain activity information through the Internet. Those interviewed enterprisers who had experiences of arts participation may not refuse to patronize arts performance; instead, they usually hold “open” attitude toward it.
    According to the interviews, some enterprisers had patronized performing arts before. It was found that industry type has little influence on deciding patronizing
    performing arts or not. Furthermore, enterprisers’ behavior of patronizing performing arts still remains in the traditional manner, which cannot meet enterprisers’ need any more. Besides, through patronage activity, enterprisers would also give his or her employees opportunities to participate in performing arts. At the same time, enterprisers who haven’t patronized performing arts explained that is because no performing arts group ask for their patronage or they find no channel to do so. Lastly, the interviews show that every interviewed enterpriser has different evaluation standard to decide
    whether to patronize performing arts and hold subjective opinion on how they obtain feedback from patronage.
    Therefore, this study provides three suggestions for enterprisers: “An enterpriser could act more actively and positively to cooperate with performing art group,” “Trying more multidimensional patronage modes,” “Creating more participating ways for employees.” In addition, four recommendations are also made for performing arts group: “Making good use of online resource to strengthen activity promotion,” “Increasing
    opportunities of interacting or contacting with enterprisers,” “Drawing up different patronage plans for different enterprisers” and “Cultivating general public’s habits of participating in performing arts.”

    摘要 I 謝辭 V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 6 第三節 研究問題 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 重要名詞釋義 8 第二節 台灣企業贊助表演藝術的相關研究 11 第三節 企業贊助表演藝術時企業主所扮演的角色 17 第四節 台灣企業主贊助表演藝術動機 24 第五節 企業贊助表演藝術所獲得的加乘效益 27 第三章 研究方法 36 第一節 研究方法 37 第二節 研究流程 38 第三節 研究架構 39 第四節 研究對象 40 第五節 訪談題綱 42 第四章 研究整理 44 第一節 企業主藝術參與行為分析 44 第二節 企業主對於贊助表演藝術的態度 49 第三節 企業主贊助表演藝術活動之評估準則 60 第四節 贊助與回饋 66 第五章 結論與建議 73 第一節 結論 73 第二節 研究建議 82 第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 85 參考資料 88 附錄 訪談稿 94

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