Author: |
林祈昱 Lin, Chi-Yu |
Thesis Title: |
藝術大數據分析:ArtCOP的網路文字探勘 When Big Data Meets Art: A Text Mining Analysis of ArtCOP |
Advisor: |
Su, Yao-Hua |
Committee: |
Su, Yao-Hua 謝東儒 Hsieh, Tung-Ju 何宗武 Ho, Tsung-Wu |
Approval Date: | 2024/10/22 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
美術學系藝術行政暨管理碩士在職專班 Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Arts Administration and Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2025 |
Academic Year: | 113 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 123 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 文字探勘 、氣候賦權運動 、締約方會議 、聯合國氣候變遷秘書處 、藝術行動主義 |
Keywords (in English): | text mining, Action for Climate Empowerment, COP, UNFCCC secretariat, artivism |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 、 文字探勘 、 大數據分析 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 115 Downloads: 2 |
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氣候緊急是全球關注的議題,「ArtCOP」是指與全球氣候治理最高決策機構「締約方會議」(Conference of the Parties, COP)相關的藝術活動與創作。為了探討COP官方對於藝術的討論涵蓋了哪些具體內容、呈現出何種發展趨勢?本研究以負責COP議程、會議資料、專業技術報告的《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》秘書處(UNFCCC Secretariat,也稱UN Climate Change)官方網站作為研究對象。
進一步探討本研究關心的核心詞頻,發現代表氣候賦權行動的「ACE」(Action for Climate Empowerment)排名第93,強調敘事性的「story」僅居第128。這些字詞的熱度不高,顯示UNFCCC在透過藝術擴大公眾參與以及用故事進行氣候變遷的有效溝通上,還有進一步努力的空間。
本研究經由「文本共現網絡」和「N-gram語言模型」,發現UNFCCC在藝術相關文章中採取了一種強調行動與合作的特定論述策略,高頻使用 “initiative”, "action," "world," "global," "Paris" 等詞彙,較少使用 "carbon," "emission," "energy," "solutions" 等科學專業術語,且經常連帶使用帶有鼓舞性和希望感的字詞。這些詞彙共同構建了一個關於全球合作、人類行動和永續發展的論述框架。
Climate emergency is a global concern, and "ArtCOP" refers to art activities and creations related to the Conference of the Parties (COP), the highest decision-making body for global climate governance. To explore what specific content is covered in the official COP discussions on art and what development trends are presented, this study focuses on the official website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat (also known as UN Climate Change), which is responsible for COP agendas, meeting documents, and technical reports.
By collecting all art-related online articles from the official website, this study conducts coding, statistical analysis, and text mining. Overall, the official website discusses art in five formats: speeches, documents, UN press releases, news, events. In terms of content, the discussions can be categorized into three main areas with 11 sub-items: "Artistic Creation," including photography, painting, film, literature, technological art, music, installation or architecture, and design; "Artistic Activities," including COP procedures and fairs; and "Artistic Policy". Among these three areas, Artistic Policy is the most discussed, indicating that the UNFCCC tends to use art as a medium for policy communication and a tool for policy advocacy.
Further exploring the word frequency of the core terms of interest in this study, it was found that "ACE", representing climate empowerment action, ranked 93rd, and "story," emphasizing narrative, ranked only 128th. The low frequency of these terms suggests that the UNFCCC has room for further efforts in expanding public participation through art and using stories for effective communication about climate change.
Through "text co-occurrence network" and "N-gram language model" analysis, this study found that the UNFCCC adopts a specific discourse strategy in art-related articles that emphasizes action and cooperation, frequently using words such as "initiative," "action," "world," "global," and "Paris," while less frequently using scientific and technical terms such as "carbon," "emission," "energy," and "solutions," and often using words with encouraging and hopeful connotations. These words collectively construct a discourse framework about global cooperation, human action, and sustainable development.
Sentiment analysis revealed that the art-related articles on the UNFCCC Secretariat's official website do not exhibit strong subjectivity. 38.1% of the articles have a sentiment subjectivity value between "0.40 and 0.54," falling between subjective and objective, with a trend towards greater objectivity over time, and no scattered extreme point distribution after 2024. "Sentiment polarity" analysis shows that more than 93% of the articles have positive sentiment. However, it is worth noting that while the positive sentiment of the articles has eased after 2017, the negative sentiment values have not shown a significant decrease. Finally, based on the findings of this study, relevant recommendations are made for art practitioners, policymakers, and art researchers.
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