Author: |
楊淑茹 shu-jue Yang |
Thesis Title: |
生技產業業務人員在職訓練與工作績效關係之研究 A Study of Relationships between On-Job-Training and Work Performance for Sales in Biotech Industries |
Advisor: |
Hou, Shih-Kuang |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 100 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 77 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 生技產業 、訓練成效 、工作績效 、業務人員 |
Keywords (in English): | biotech industry, job training effect, job performance, sales |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 142 Downloads: 10 |
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個人背景的居住區域、教育程度對訓練成效是有影響的。個人背景的「婚姻狀 態」、「年齡」、「工作經歷」、「性別」、「與產業相關學歷」、「具業務經驗」對於訓練成效上的表現差異是不顯著的。
Human resources have been an important role in industry development, and cultivating talent is especially important in the development of biotech industries. Enterprise not only has to cultivate talent but also has to keep talent. The success of job training effects has great impact on individual job performance and enterprise management performance. This research intended to study one biotech-company’s involvement in job training, conducting a quantitative analysis on its employees’ on job training data to understand how individual background affects job training effect, and then how it affects job performance. By studying the case company’s empirical results of conducting on job training, this research could provide some improvement suggestions to the case company, could also provide some helpful suggestions for companies within the same industries, and also could be good reference for future studies.
The purpose of this research is to study the associations and effects among sales personnel’s individual background variables, and their effects of job training and job performance. Based on the case company’s sale’s data, job training test scores, and job performance, this research conducts statistical analysis, which includes T-Test, One-way ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe test, and Crosstable Analysis, on empirical data and concludes:
Among individual background variables, residential location and educational degree have impacts on job training effect. Other individual background variables, namely, marriage status, age, work experience, sex, industry related educational background and with sales related experience, showed no significant impact on job training effect.
Job performance was found to have significant association with these individual background variables: educational degree, residential area, marriage status, with sales related experience and age. However, job performance had no significant association with other individual background variables like, sex, industry related educational background, work experience and on job status.
Comparing related analyses for the sales personnel on job and sales personnel who left the job, we found the impacts of individual background variables on job training effect and job performance are significantly different among these two groups.
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