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Author: 黃釗田
Thesis Title: 以資料發掘技術規劃技職校院課程查詢網站之研究
The Study in TVE Course Querying Web Site Managed by Data Mining Techniques
Advisor: 周談輝
Zhou, Tan-Hui
Dai, Jiann-Yun
Degree: 碩士
Department: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2000
Academic Year: 88
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 70
Keywords (in Chinese): 資料發掘國家資訊基礎建設NII網際網路網站知識表徵技術派翠西網路實體關聯模式灰色系統理論
Keywords (in English): Data mining, National information infrastructure, Internet, Web site, Knowledge representation techniques, Petri-nets, E-R Model, Grey system theory
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 資料發掘(Data mining)研究的重點是利用資訊科技的輔導以挖掘並分析大量的資訊,來萃取出隱藏於前所未知且可能非常有用的資料,因此資料發掘是建立在資料庫領域的發展上,在資料發掘前需先對資料庫的設計、型態與種類等問題有一完善之規劃。本研究應用資料發掘之資料庫規劃理念,於「技職校院課程查詢網站」規劃上,經由文獻探討及網站系統建立研究架構,並採用目前技職校院課程之資料進行資料發掘,最後分析結果可作為「技職校院課程查詢網站」規劃與建置之參考。

    The study in Data Mining is focused on mining a lot of information and analyzing them with the help of technology, so as to find out the unknown and hidden data which may be very useful. Hence, Data Mining is based on the development in data-base field. Before Data Mining is done, a good management for some items has to be made first, for example, design, type … , etc. This thesis uses the data-base management method in Data Mining to set up the studying construction on the management for TVE course querying web site through information discussing and the web site system. Further more, Data Mining is used in TVE course information and the final analysis result can be taken for reference in the management and construction of TVE course querying web site.
    By now, almost all TVE schools have set up their own web sites. But they are weak in the integration among every school’s course data-base. People often need to spend much time analyzing and designing the course web site system construction and these results can not meet many people’s requests wholly in searching the course information. The study takes it as the starting point that it can meet users’ requests in querying TVE courses and in constructing the data warehouse of education in the future. It matches users to the thinking of customers’ shopping. Moreover, it uses the idea of data-base management in Data Mining to analyze the “TVE course querying web site” and to build the matching analysis modes of users to customers, TVE courses to goods and schools (teachers) to goods names. Finally, it uses methods of prediction and analysis to find out the amount of TVE course querying web site users, so as to provide references to the system designers in managing and setting up the TVE course querying web site, so that the management for web site can meet every user’s request.

    中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅰ 英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅱ 目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ 圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅴ 表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ 第一章 緒論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 第二節 研究的目的 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 第三節 研究範圍與限制 ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 第四節 待答問題 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 第五節 研究工具 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 第六節 研究方法與步驟 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 第二章 文獻探討 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 第一節 技職教育的涵意 ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 第二節 資料發掘的意義 ------------------------------------------------------------ 7 第三節 資料發掘的方式 ------------------------------------------------------------ 9 第四節 資料發掘的架構 ---------------------------------------------------------- 15 第五節 資料庫相關議題 ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 第六節 發掘出知識的表達問題及後續處理問題 ----------------- 20 第三章 研究分析 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 第一節 研究架構 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 第二節 資料發掘工具簡介-Grey System Theory --------------------- 24 第三節 課程網站以Perti-Net分析及塑模 ------------------------------ 27 第四節 課程網站以知識表徵技術及實體關聯模式分析 ------ 34 第四章 技職校院課程查詢網站規劃與資料分析 ---------------- 37 第一節 網站課程資料處理規劃 ---------------------------------------------- 37 第二節 資料庫之課程欄位結構規劃 -------------------------------------- 39 第三節 網站資料建置者之權限劃分 -------------------------------------- 43 第四節 灰色預測在技職校院課程網站之人數流量分析 ----- 48 第五章 結論與建議 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 第一節 研究結論 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 第二節 研究建議 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 主要參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 附錄一 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 附錄二 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 附錄三 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

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