Author: |
李函真 Li, Han-Chen |
Thesis Title: |
關係利益對企業顧客購買行為之影響-以基於感激的回報可能性、關係承諾與關係滿意為中介變數 The Influence of Relationship Benefits on Purchase Behavior of Business Customers Mediated by Possibility of Reciprocate of Gratitude, Relationship Commitment and Relationship Satisfaction |
Advisor: |
Chou, Shih-Yu |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2014 |
Academic Year: | 102 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 39 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 關係利益 、基於感激的回報可能性 、關係承諾 、關係滿意 、實際購買行為 |
Keywords (in English): | Relationship Benefits, Possibility of Reciprocate of Gratitude, Relationship Commitment, Relationship Satisfaction, Actual Purchase Behavior |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 382 Downloads: 21 |
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過去十幾年來學界對於Morgan and Hunt(1994)的KMV模型的許多實證研究中,發現關係品質的前置變數對於關係品質的結果變數的直接效果甚至大於透過關係品質的間接效果,此現象隱含著某些重要的中介變數似乎是被忽略了。本研究提出一個新中介變數 -- 基於感激的回報可能性,擴充延伸KMV模型,並以我國消費性電子產業的製造商(顧客企業)為研究對象,實證此延伸模型的解釋力。
Over the past few decades, the academic community found that in the empirical research of KMV model of Morgan and Hunt(1994), the direct effect of the antecedent variables of relationship quality toward the result variables of relationship quality is even bigger than the indirect effect which is caused through relationship quality. This phenomenon indicated that some critical mediating variables were neglected. The current research proposes a new mediating variable --- we extend the KMV model based on the possibility of reciprocate of gratitude and use the manufacturers of domestic consumer electronic industry as our research subjects to explain this extend model.
This study use questionnaire survey and multivariate analysis to validate the proposed research model. The sample population consists of buyers of consumer electronics manufacturing industry in Taiwan. 71 of sample are effective. The result from the measurement model showed that this research is highly valid, reliable and consistent, existed content validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity. Result from the structural model showed that this research well fitted the proposed model. The result shows that there will be a positive impact on customer purchase on gratitude and relationship satisfaction when customers sense the relationship benefits. We also discover that relationship commitment and relationship satisfaction will have direct influence on customer actual purchasing behavior.
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