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Author: 林彥程
Lin, Yen-Cheng
Thesis Title: 以無人機動態搜尋細懸浮微粒排放源方法
Dynamic Searching Approach for the Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Pollutant Source using Drone
Advisor: 賀耀華
Ho, Yao-Hua
Degree: 碩士
Department: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2019
Academic Year: 107
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 51
Keywords (in Chinese): 感測器網路細懸浮微粒煙流追蹤
Keywords (in English): Sensor network, PM2.5, Plume tracing
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 空氣汙染對人體健康造成危害,其細懸浮微粒會堆積在心肺,長期下來造成更高的死亡風險,然而管制空汙的成效受限於稽查、取締的效率,人員的蒐證在時間與空間上皆有所限制,因此,本研究提出了一套以無人機自動搜尋空汙排放源的方法,透過感測器網路的輔助資訊,結合無人機搜尋演算法來一步步接近排放源,並精準的將其定位出來。為了達到蒐證目的,必須能在空汙事件發生時即進行搜索,並在無人機續航力內完成搜尋,定位結果需要足夠的精準度以確定目標。我們使用LASS感測網路觀察即時的PM2.5資訊,在空汙目標區域取得背景濃度與過去一小時最高濃度作為指標,無人機依據指標來調整每一步的飛行距離,以在靠近排放源時增加搜尋密度,完成搜尋時,使用最高濃度的量測地點作為排放源定位結果。我們提出的飛行演算法一共有三種:(一)貪婪飛行法以鋸齒狀的飛行軌跡左右偵測並轉向濃度高的一側;(二)動態飛行法在行進前執行濃度取樣,判斷行進的方向,並依據濃度調整每一步的距離;(三)混和飛行法結合前兩者的優勢,透過門檻值調整兩者的切換時機。研究的實驗結果顯示,無人機能在20分鐘續航力內,完成距離誤差2公尺內的定位精準度。

    Living in an environment filled with air pollution will affect our body health, cause chronic illness, and increase the fatality rate. However, it is difficult to regulated air pollution effectively, due to the need to accurately gathering evidence to prove any illegal emission. In this research, we propose a method to exploit the ability of a drone to locate air pollution (i.e., particulate matter) emission source quickly. Utilizing the information provided by an existing sensor network, the drone is able to make correct decisions when searching for pollution sources. In the proposed system, Location Aware Sensing System (LASS) provides the continuous monitoring information of PM 2.5 (Particulate Metter 2.5) to initialization searching plan by limiting a searching area. In the beginning, our drone utilizes the PM2.5 concentration information provided by LASS to adjust its searching direction and distance to an intermediate point. After an intermediate location point is reached, our drone will stop and sense the current PM2.5 concentration. Next, the drone continues to adjust the searching path with its searching direction and distance when the concentration level increased, respectively. The three searching path strategies are proposed - Greedy, Dynamic, and Hybrid Approach. The searching process repeats itself until ten of the continuous sensed PM2.5 concentration levels dropped below a threshold or the power of drone fell lower than the maximum flight time (with the reserved power for the return home distance). Once the searching process is finished, the location of the air pollution emission source is estimated by the highest contraction level measured by drone. The three of proposed strategies are compared with Random Way-Point and Space-Filling Curve. Experiment results show our proposed techniques are able to achieve estimation error below 2 meters within 20 minutes.

    附圖目錄 vii 附表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 問題描述 2 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 擴散行為 4 第二節 PM2.5量測 5 第三節 資料前處理 6 第四節 感測器網路 7 第五節 搜尋演算法 7 第三章 研究方法 10 第一節 流程架構 10 第二節 貪婪飛行法 13 第三節 動態飛行法 16 第四節 混合飛行法 21 第四章 模擬實驗與分析 22 第一節 實驗設定 22 第二節 實驗指標 24 第三節 實作方法 25 第四節 貪婪飛行法分析 26 第五節 動態飛行法分析 33 第六節 混合飛行法分析 37 第七節 綜合比較 40 第五章 結論與未來展望 47 參考文獻 49

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