Author: |
陳晉維 Chen, Chin-Wei |
Thesis Title: |
從系統觀點看臺灣跨性別女性走向性別轉換的適應歷程——以接受賀爾蒙治療的跨性別女性為例 Taiwanese Transgender Women’s Adjustment Process Heading for Gender Transition from Systems Perspective- The Case of Transgender Women who Take Hormone Replacement Therapy. |
Advisor: |
Chen, Hsiu-Jung |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 279 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 跨性別女性 、適應歷程 、性別轉換 、賀爾蒙治療 |
Keywords (in English): | Transgender Women, Adjustment Process, Gender Transition, Hormone Replacement Therapy |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 455 Downloads: 0 |
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本研究透過半結構式訪談,訪談5位選擇接受賀爾蒙治療之跨性別女性,平均年齡為 34 歲,透過紮根理論之質性分析方法,進行資料編碼歸類分析,個別深入瞭解她們生命中與性別相關的重要事件與背後相關生物心理社會因素並搜集有關性別之重要背景資料,歸納出跨性別女性走向性別轉換之適應歷程。
研究結果顯示:(1)臺灣跨性別女性走向性別轉換之適應歷程可以區分為三階段,依序為: 初萌階段、性別拓展嘗試階段以及性別轉換適應階段。(2)各階段內分別存在不同的主軸現象,反映不同階段的適應主題,依序為性別二元環境中性別不一致無從拓展的順應、跨性別拓展選擇:走向性別轉換以及跨性別轉換的動態適應。(3)接觸跨性別帶來的跨性別相關資源能帶動跨性別女性階段轉變,促使拓展性別選擇從而邁向性別轉換。(4)適應歷程中的友善開放、安全與肯認資源挹注將影響個人因應與性別選擇的能動性,但個人所選擇的因應型態更影響適應的雙元經驗。
Taiwanese referendum in 2018 showed that there were still lots of prejudice and misunderstanding to transgender people and their gender transition. It is helpful to explore the transgender women’s adjustment process in gender transition for health professions to provide appropriate health services from holistic perspectives. Due to this reason, the aims of the current study were to explore (1) biopsychosocial factors, (2) important shifts, and (3) how did transgender women achieve adjustment in their adjustment process heading for gender transition.
Using a grounded theory approach, this qualitative study sought to examine adjustment processes and important life event related to gender among transgender women. The sample included 5 participants who self-identified as women or other feminine gender role which is different from their assigned male sex at birth.
Results yielded three phases in adjustment process heading for gender transition: germination, gender exploration, and adjusting during gender transition. Three phases reflected different theme and phenomenon in adjustment. Contacting with transgender individuals or community, transgender women acquired trans-related resources to expand their gender choice, and finally heading for gender transition. Openness to gender, security, and affirmation were three resources that supported individual’s agency to cope and choose their gender during the process. However, the coping strategies chosen by individuals determined the dual experience between adaptive and maladaptive adjustment.
Based on the analysis, 7 discussions were presented in current study: (1) biopsychosocial factors could exist independently or co-construct the important factors in tans women’s adjustment process. Gender variance and gender binary co-constructed as initial stress, and then individual was oppressed by social gender minority stress for gender-incongruence. In addition, health issue and doctor-patient relationship might co-construct as stress, evoking individual to cope; (2) transgender women’s adjustment process was the dialectical process between resources and gender-minority-stress situations; (3) trans-related resource would connect as resource caravan and prompt important shift in adjustment process. And the favorable resources would change as phase shifted in process. (4) resources evoke transwomen to take action for gender exploration, coping, and cultivating more resources; therefore, there was resource gain spirals phenomenon existed in transwomen’s adjustment; (5) gender comfort might be personal resource which prompted transwomen to be willing to take more action for gender transition; (5) gender transition was a kind of coping strategy for gaining more gender comfort but also coping the gender minority stress; (7) coping strategies in adjustment process were dialectical between facilitative and avoidant coping. As process shifted, individual would have more diverse coping strategies for achieving adjustment.
Finally, based on the results and discussion, the limitation of current study and suggestions for future research were proposed.
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