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Author: 曾宣儒
Tseng, Hsuan JU
Thesis Title: 親密關係維繫策略-以憂鬱症對偶為例
Strategies for maintaining intimate relationships-In the case of a patient with depression
Advisor: 莊登閔
Chuang, Deng-Min
Committee: 莊登閔
Chuang, Deng-Min
Pan, Shu Man
Approval Date: 2024/05/28
Degree: 碩士
Department: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
Thesis Publication Year: 2024
Academic Year: 112
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 105
Keywords (in Chinese): 憂鬱症患者伴侶親密關係維繫策略
Keywords (in English): maintenance strategies, Depression, intimacy, companion
Research Methods: 主題分析
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 386Downloads: 8
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  • 本研究旨在探討憂鬱症患者和其伴侶的關係維繫策略,本研究招募了共5組的憂鬱症患者和伴侶。其中憂鬱症患者4位女性,1位男性。伴侶則是4位男性,1位女性。憂鬱症患者皆罹患憂鬱症至少2年以上,每對異性戀情侶交往皆滿一年。憂鬱症患者年齡區間為24-31歲,伴侶的年齡區間為25-39歲。
    一、 憂鬱症患者視角的關係維繫:
    在日常生活層面,憂鬱症患者和伴侶的關係維繫策略和普通情侶無異。在生活層面會分工家務、日常的約會等。在日常的約會中,患者和伴侶會共同討論要從事的活動,而在家務分工上,患者則認為自己處於比較被照顧的一方。這樣的日常維繫策略,和Stafford (2011)所提出來的「共享任務」類似。
    情感維繫層面上,患者會在伴侶感到低落、需要陪伴時給予關懷和鼓勵,也會透過和伴侶分享感受,來維繫情感。大部分的患者受訪者皆認為自己對伴侶提供的情感關懷大於日常生活上的照顧。而伴侶在患者情緒低潮時,也會提供相對應的支持。在情感層面的關係維繫策略像是「觀察」、「反向通道響應」(Albertse et al.,2005)、「理解」和「支持」(Haas &Stafford ,1998)。
    (三) 日常衝突維繫策略
    二、 伴侶視角的關係維繫策略
    (一) 生活層面的關係維繫
    (三) 日常衝突維繫策略

    This study aims to explore the relationship maintenance strategies of patients with depression and their partners. This study recruited a total of 5 groups of patients with depression and their partners. Among the patients with depression, 4 were female and 1 was male. The partners are 4 men and 1 woman. All patients with depression have suffered from depression for at least 2 years, and every heterosexual couple has been in a relationship for more than a year. The age range of patients with depression is 24-31 years old, and the age range of partners is 25-39 years old.
    The study employed one-to-one in-depth interviews and was analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed the following themes: (1) Maintenance strategies in daily interactions, (2) Maintenance at the emotional level, (3) Conflict maintenance strategies and maintenance dilemmas. The research findings are as follows:
    1. Relationship maintenance from the perspective of patients with depression:
    (1) Relationship Maintenance in Daily Life
    In daily life, the relationship maintenance strategies of depression patients with their partners are similar to those of ordinary couples. They engage in household chores and plan regular dates together. During these outings, patients and their partners discuss activities to participate in, while patients often feel that they are in a more cared-for position regarding the division of household responsibilities. This daily maintenance strategy is akin to the "shared tasks" (Stafford ,2011).
    (2) Emotional maintenance strategies
    On the emotional level, patients provide care and encouragement when their partners feel down and need companionship. They also maintain emotional connections by sharing their feelings with their partners. Most patient respondents believe that their emotional support for their partners outweighs the practical care they provide in daily life. When patients experience emotional lows, their partners offer corresponding support. The emotional relationship maintenance strategies resemble "observation," " back-channel communication " (Albertse et al., 2005), "understanding," and "support" (Haas & Stafford, 1998)
    (3) Strategies for maintaining daily conflicts
    First of all, in the moment of quarrel, there are "stalemate", "accusation", etc. After the quarrel, the patient will think about the reasons for the quarrel alone. During this period, they will display maintenance strategies such as "avoidance" and "cold war". The last step is "rational communication" and "constructive communication". During the onset of the disease, the conflict maintenance strategies used by patients are at two extremes, and they may present maintenance strategies such as "avoidance" and "silence". Or "crying and arguing" with stronger emotional intensity.
    2. Partner's Perspective on Relationship Maintenance Strategie
    (1) Relationship Maintenance in Daily Life
    The strategies used by partners to maintain the relationship on a daily basis are not significantly different from those used by the patients. Additionally, partners believe that they contribute more to household chores compared to the patients. In terms of relationship maintenance strategies, beyond "sharing tasks," partners adjust their dating plans based on the patient's condition. Partners consider their significant other's physical and mental state and carefully plan related activities. This type of maintenance strategy arises in response to the patient's social situation and can be categorized as "social facilitation strategies."
    (2) Emotional maintenance strategies
    For emotional maintenance, partners often provide mental support, emotional comfort, and companionship. In response to the patient's care, partners usually adopt a "concern and reserve" strategy for their negative states. The reason is that partners do not want to add more worries to the patient. When the patient's depression flares up, partners implement strategies such as "illness care," "emotional support," and "comfort."
    (3) Strategies for maintaining daily conflicts
    In the case of arguments, partners tend to adopt strategies such as tolerance, emotional soothing, and prioritizing the other person's state of mind. They rarely mention their own feelings during disputes. It can be observed that in conflict strategies, the focus of the partner's maintenance strategies is primarily on the person with depression, and they often adopt a "tolerance" strategy. Additionally, when the patient experiences an episode, partners not only implement previously mentioned patient-centered maintenance strategies but also prioritize the state of the person with depression during arguments, regardless of whether an episode is occurring or not.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的與研究問題 7 第三節、名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 親密關係的意涵 9 第二節 憂鬱症患者的親密關係維繫策略 14 第三節、憂鬱症伴侶的親密關係維繫策略 24 第三章 研究方法 30 第一節 研究取向與研究方法 30 第二節 研究參與者 32 第三節 研究的信效度 35 第四節 研究倫理 36 第四章 研究發現 39 第一節 相遇與相戀 39 第二節 憂鬱症患者視角的親密關係 47 第三節 對憂鬱症的看法及症狀發作的關係維繫 54 第四節 伴侶對親密關係的想像與維繫 64 第五節 伴侶對憂鬱症的看法及症狀發作的關係維繫 70 第五章 研究討論與建議 79 第一節 研究發現與討論 79 第二節 研究建議 83 第三節 研究限制 85 第四節 研究者的自我反思 86 參考文獻 86 中文參考文獻(按筆畫順序) 87 英文參考文獻(按筆畫順序) 91 附件一:訪談大綱 100 附件二:知情同意書 102

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