Author: |
許玲禕 Ling-I Hsu |
Thesis Title: |
綠色行銷因子下新世代的綠色消費意願 Analysis of Green Purchase Intention among Taiwan Young Generation under Green Marketing Factors |
Advisor: |
Shih, Cheng-Ping |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
國際人力資源發展研究所 Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2012 |
Academic Year: | 100 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 120 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | Product-related information acquisition 、Consumer perceived value 、Green purchase attitude 、Green purchase intention |
Keywords (in English): | Product-related information acquisition, consumer perceived value, green purchase attitude, green purchase intention |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 265 Downloads: 0 |
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The impact of all kinds of environmental problems and energy crisis alarms the world. As a citizen of the global village, any corporation in Taiwan has the duty to take its own social responsibility to help mitigating the environmental and societal problem while striving for the financial performance. Therefore the concept of “sustainable development” is brought out while design and produce new products.
To investigate how to raise the intention of young generation in green consumption and the difference between Non-profit organizations and For-profit organizations, we combine psychology and marketing concept to propose a new conceptual framework for green consumption. To do so, we choose Tzu Chi’s recycled POLO shirts as the green product provided by Non-profit organization (NPO) and Timberland’s recycled POLO shirts as the green product provided by For-profit organization (FPO) to be our objects and postulate respective hypotheses. A hypothetical model is established to analyze these constructs and their correlations in the proposed conceptual frameworks.
For the research findings, firstly, multiple regression results proved consumer perceived values variables and green purchase attitude variables have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by Non-profit organization. On the other side, product-related information acquisition variables and consumer perceived value variables have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by For-profit organization. The outcomes discovered the characteristics of Taiwan environmental organizations and pointed out room for the industry’s improvement. Secondly, PLS analysis pointed out that green marketing factors do have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by Non-profit and For-profit organizations. Only the price comparison variable is not significant which may demonstrates the young generation does not perceived the value of green products by using the price index. Also, it improves the problem of multiple regression analysis. At last, some recommendations for the Non-profit and For-profit organizations, and future researches were provided.
The impact of all kinds of environmental problems and energy crisis alarms the world. As a citizen of the global village, any corporation in Taiwan has the duty to take its own social responsibility to help mitigating the environmental and societal problem while striving for the financial performance. Therefore the concept of “sustainable development” is brought out while design and produce new products.
To investigate how to raise the intention of young generation in green consumption and the difference between Non-profit organizations and For-profit organizations, we combine psychology and marketing concept to propose a new conceptual framework for green consumption. To do so, we choose Tzu Chi’s recycled POLO shirts as the green product provided by Non-profit organization (NPO) and Timberland’s recycled POLO shirts as the green product provided by For-profit organization (FPO) to be our objects and postulate respective hypotheses. A hypothetical model is established to analyze these constructs and their correlations in the proposed conceptual frameworks.
For the research findings, firstly, multiple regression results proved consumer perceived values variables and green purchase attitude variables have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by Non-profit organization. On the other side, product-related information acquisition variables and consumer perceived value variables have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by For-profit organization. The outcomes discovered the characteristics of Taiwan environmental organizations and pointed out room for the industry’s improvement. Secondly, PLS analysis pointed out that green marketing factors do have significant effect on green purchase intention for green products provided by Non-profit and For-profit organizations. Only the price comparison variable is not significant which may demonstrates the young generation does not perceived the value of green products by using the price index. Also, it improves the problem of multiple regression analysis. At last, some recommendations for the Non-profit and For-profit organizations, and future researches were provided.
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