Author: |
張慧菊 |
Thesis Title: |
國中小學生一般應答與幽默應答之分析研究 The analysis of general answers and humor answers in elementary school students and jouior high school students |
Advisor: | 陳學志 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 251 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 人際因應量表 、幽默技巧 、因應策略 、幽默程度 、因應程度 |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 377 Downloads: 38 |
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The purpose of this research was to study the humor nature in the early adolescents. The two main purposes were as follows: 1. to study the differences of general answers and humor answers in using coping strategies, humor skills, taboo words and the degree of aggression . 2. to explore the differences of different grades and genders in the degree of humor and degree of coping when humor answers differed in using coping strategies, humor skills and the degree of aggression.
Questionnaire research was adopted in this study. I collected 485 fifth to eighth grade samples in Taipei County and Taipei City, and surveyed them with the Scale of Interpersonal Coping Questionnaire in the study 1. Besides, I collected other 723 fifth to eighth grade and college samples in Taipei County and Taipei City in the study 2, and selected 55-67 humor answers as the evaluated content. The findings were as follows:
1.The coping strategies of general answers and humor answers were different. Besides, humor answers used more humor skills, more taboo words and higher degree of aggression than general answers.
2.Junior high school students’ humor answers used more “ self - enhancement ” , “ good for self” and “ good for other persons” coping strategies than elementary school students; girls in junior high schools used more “ self-deprecating ” coping strategy.
3.In humor answers,junior high school students used more humor skills than elementary school students; girls use more humor skills than boys.
4.In humor answers, junior high school students used more taboo words than elementary school students; boys used more taboo words than girls.
5.In humor answers, junior high school students used more skills of aggression than elementary school students ; boys used more skills of aggression than girls.
6.Humor skill answers were regarded more humor and higher coping degree than no humor skill answers.
7. Humor answers used different coping strategies, the degree of humor and the degree of coping made differences in the gender variable and the grade variable.
8. Humor answers used different degree of aggression, the degree of humor made differences in the gender variable and the grade variable. The degree of coping made no differences in the gender variable and the grade variable..
Finally, according to the findings, some suggestions were provided for teachers, parents and the further studies.
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