Author: |
蘇揚傑 Su, Yang-Chieh |
Thesis Title: |
酷異離散:李翊雲短篇小說中的親屬關係 Queer Diaspora: Kinship in Yiyun Li’s Short Stories |
Advisor: |
Lee, Hsiu-Chuan |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
英語學系 Department of English |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 66 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 酷異離散 、親屬關係 、李翊雲 、〈千年修得共枕眠〉 、〈內布拉斯加公主〉 、〈金童玉女〉 |
Keywords (in English): | Queer diaspora, kinship, Yiyun Li, “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers”, “The Princess of Nebraska”, “Gold Boy, Emerald Girl” |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 200 Downloads: 27 |
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This thesis aims to study three short stories selected from Yiyun Li’s first two short story collections, Thousand Years of Good Prayers and Gold Boy, Emerald Girl: “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers,” “The Princess of Nebraska,” and “Gold Boy, Emerald Girl.” The thesis focuses on the diverse representations of kinship in these stories and look into how they resonate or challenge our common conception of kinship. To better understand how the kinship relations in Li’s fiction is produced and sustained, I argue that we need to take not only sexual but also diasporic identity into consideration. By locating Li’s works in the critical framework of “queer diaspora,” I argue that Li’s works offer us alternative and “queer” accounts of kinship, which have the potential to redefine and reimagine kinship structures.
The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One first offers a brief review of existing scholarship on Li’s fiction. Among these studies, although some have touched upon the issue of kinship, they do little in probing into how such relations are produced and sustained. I argue that the idea of “queer diaspora” would be fruitful in our discussion of kinship in the texts. Then I move on to elaborate on the notion of “queer diaspora” by tracing the convergence between queer politics and Asian American studies. Chapter Two delves into the father-daughter relationship in “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers” and argues how one’s ethnic identity comes into play in kinship formation. The story also demonstrates an alternative “queer” account of kinship built by contingent encounters and sustained by acts of talking. Chapter Three looks into the triangular relationship in “The Princess of Nebraska.” This chapter focuses on the meanings of the female protagonist’s pregnancy to the three main characters and analyze show it resonates with or challenges conventional conception of kinship based upon heteronormative patrilineage. Chapter Four probes into the marriage arrangement in “Gold Boy, Emerald Girl” and examines its signification. I argue that this seemingly heterosexual marriage is invested with new meaning as a survival strategy for sexual minorities to survive in a politically and socially constraining environment (i.e., China). In the concluding chapter, I reflect on the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan and its possible impacts on kinship formation.
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