Author: |
洪致瑩 Hung, Chih-Ying |
Thesis Title: |
臺灣運動服務業創業失敗因素之研究 The Study of Failure Factors for Taiwan Sports Activities-Entrepreneurship |
Advisor: |
Chang, Shao-Hsi |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 101 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 運動產業 、運動服務業 、創業失敗 、德爾菲法 、分析層級程序法 |
Keywords (in English): | Sports Industry, Sports Activities, Entrepreneurship failure, Delphi method, Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 200 Downloads: 6 |
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本研究旨在建構運動服務業創業失敗指標,藉由文獻分析,初步建構創業失敗指標,並邀集業界4位、政府官員3位以及學界3位,共計10位,採修正式德爾菲法,經兩回合調查建構出運動服務業創業失敗指標,最後以分析層級程序法,比較各指標間權重表現。為求研究之信度,本研究德爾菲法收斂標準為同意度達80%,分析層級程序法採不一致性比率I. R.值≦0.1為收斂標準。結果:(1)運動服務業創業失敗分為六大構面,分別為創業家人格特質7項、創業資金評估5項、管理與團隊7項、產品與市場6項、產品技術與創意4項以及會計與稅務5項,共計34項指標(2)構面權重排序依序為創業資金評估、產品與市場構面、管理與團隊構面、創業家人格特質構面、產品技術與創意構面、最後為會計與稅務構面;(3)整層級指標權重,最重視之前3項指標為資金管理不當、產(商)品(服務)缺乏競爭力以及營運成本過高。結論:許多因素會導致創業失敗,創業者應不時地檢核自我,並且持續進修,若能避免失敗因素,將能更接近成功。
The purpose of this study was to establish indicators of entrepreneurial failure for Sports Activities. A preliminary entrepreneurial failure indicators were established through literature review. The research participants invited 4 experts from the industry, 3 officials from government agencies, and 3 scholars from the academia, a total of 10 individuals were selected to give suggestions for the indicators using modified Delphi technique. The final indicators were established after 2 rounds of consent degree. The weight scores of all indicators were determined by AHP. For reliability, the Delphi convergence criteria reached up to 80%, AHP used inconsistency ratio, I.R. value ≦ 0.1 was the convergence criteria. The results indicated that: (1) The entrepreneurial failure indicators for Sports Activities were divided into 6 major dimensions, which were 7 indicators of personality traits for entrepreneur, 5 indicators of evaluation for venture capital, 7 indicators of management and team, 6 indicators of products and market, 4 indicators of product technology and creativity, and 5 indicators of accounting and tax, a total of 34 indicators. (2) The ranking of dimensions was in order of evaluation for venture capital, products and market, management and team, personality traits for entrepreneur, product technology and creativity, and lastly accounting and tax. (3) The ranking of indicators in whole level, the most important of top three were improper management of funds, the lack of competitiveness of products, and the high operating costs. Conclusion: many factors will lead to failure of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs should check themselves every moment and continue their education. If they can avoid the failure factors, they will be able to go near from success.
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