Author: |
陳瓊如 Chen, Chung-Ju |
Thesis Title: |
漫畫引導國中生英文段落寫作之研究 A Study on Using Comic Books to Guide Junior High School Students English Paragraph Writing |
Advisor: |
Huang, Chuen-Min |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 156 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | IMSCI鷹架寫作教學模式 、英文敘事文段落寫作 、漫畫 、寫作回饋 |
Keywords (in English): | comics, IMSCI scaffolding writing model, individual writing feedback, narrative paragraph writing |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 172 Downloads: 15 |
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This study aimed to investigate using comic books through integrating an IMSCI scaffolding writing model and implementing individual writing feedback to improve students English paragraph writing. The research design was action research which consists of two cycles, in which cycle 1 consisted of 8 units of IMSCI writing instruction and cycle 2 consisted of 3 units of narrative inquiry instruction. 24 eighth graders from one intact class in a junior high school in northern Taiwan were participants in this study. To gather the quantitative and qualitative data, instruments including pre- and post- writing tests, observation, semi-structured interview, students’ writing, and students’ feedback toward the IMSCI writing instruction and individual writing feedback were utilized in this study. The results of the study indicated that comic books provided a well-organized writing structure for the students and facilitated them to understand the narrative writing structure better; furthermore, the implement of IMSCI writing instruction and individual writing feedback enhanced the students’ writing skills. The results also showed that after the implement of action research, the teacher or the researcher gained professional growth in remedial writing instruction. In addition, to build a social like or supportive writing classroom engaged students more in writing.
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