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Author: 邱詩晨
Chiu, Shih-Chen
Thesis Title: 穆欽斯基《時光樂曲,作品四十三》樂曲分析與詮釋探討
An Analysis and Interpretation of Time Pieces, Op. 43 by Robert Muczynski
Advisor: 宋威德
Sung, Wei-Te
Degree: 碩士
Department: 音樂學系
Department of Music
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 71
Keywords (in Chinese): 單簧管穆欽斯基時光樂曲
Keywords (in English): Clarinet, Muczynski, Time Pieces
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 251Downloads: 11
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  • 《時光樂曲》(Time Pieces)為單簧管演奏者必備練習的曲目之一,由單簧管演奏家米契爾‧勞瑞(Mitchell Lurie, 1922-2008)邀請作曲家羅伯特‧穆欽斯基(Robert Muczynski, 1929-2010)為單簧管譜寫的樂曲,其優美的旋律、活力的節奏都讓人留下深刻的印象,曲風充滿歡樂、親切感。

    Time Pieces was commissioned by famous clarinetist Mitchel Laurie and composed by American Composer Robert Muczynski and has been acclaimed a spot on clarinet standard repertoire. The energetic rhythm and elegant melodies bring vibrant emotions to this piece. With the diverse elements Muczynski makes Time Pieces an impressive work for clarinet.
    Muczynski was a recognizable American composer and pianist in 20th Century. This paper starts on his background and styles of compositions. By understanding Mucyznski's composition concepts, this paper presents a discussion on the contractual analysis of Time Pieces and my prospect on performance suggestions.
    The goal of this paper is to make me understand the concept of Muczynski's compositional ideas on Time pieces in order to perform it well on stage. I also hope this research will help people who are also interested in Muczynski and Time Pieces.

    目錄 摘要 i 表格目次 iv 譜例目次 v 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 3 第二章 作曲家生平與樂曲風格 4 第一節 作曲家生平 4 第二節 樂曲風格 8 第三節 樂曲創作起源 11 第三章《時光樂曲》樂曲分析及樂曲詮釋 12 第一節 第一樂章:果斷有力的快板(Allegro risoluto) 12 第二節 第二樂章:富有表情的行板(Andante espressivo) 28 第三節 第三樂章:中庸的快板(Allegro moderato) 41 第四節 第四樂章:序奏:非常流暢的行板--有活力的快板 49 (Introduction: Andante molto—Allegro energico) 49 第四章 結論 68 參考書目 71

    一、 中文論文

    二、 中文期刊


    三、 西文論文
    Cisler, Valerie Clare. (1993) The piano sonatas of Robert Muczynski. The University of Oklahoma.

    Kostraba, Gregory Christian. (2003) The First Piano Trio by Robert Muczynski. The University of Cincinnati.

    Ross, Newton. (2009) Muczynski in Time. University of Melbourne.
    Chung-ah Chin . (2014) Tracing Neoclassical Influences in selected solo and chamber music for the clarinet. The University of Maryland.

    四、 樂譜
    Robert Muczynski. Time Pieces. Theodore Presser Company, 1985
