Author: |
呂正仁 Lu, Cheng-Jen |
Thesis Title: |
社會資本與知識分享對創新行為影響之研究 ─以組織學習能耐為調節變項 A Study of the Relationships of Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing on Innovation Behavior - The Moderator Effects Is Organizational Learning |
Advisor: |
Yu, Chien 于俊傑 Yu, Chin-Cheh |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 125 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 社會資本 、知識分享 、創新行為 |
Keywords (in English): | social capital, knowledge sharing, innovation behavior |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 204 Downloads: 13 |
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本研究採用問卷調查法,於2011 年3 月開始進行問卷發放,共發送500份問卷,回收287份有效問卷。經由資料分析後,得到以下結論:(1)社會資本為對創新行為具有正向影響;(2)社會資本子構面社會網路對創新行為有正向影響;(3)社會資本子構面社會信任對創新行為有正向影響;(4)社會資本子構面共同目標對創新行為有正向影響;(5)知識分享對創新行為具有正向影響;(6)知識分享子構面提供知識對創新行為有正向影響;(7)知識分享子構面獲取知識對創新行為有正向影響;(8) 組織學習能耐對知識分享影響創新行為具有調節效果。
In recent years, Taiwan's IT hardware industry is facing many challenges.Building the innovation ability and promoting innovatiion behavior is the important task for Taiwan's IT industry.
This study aims to examine the correlation social capital, knowledge sharing, innovation behavior and Organizational Learning. The organizational learning is the moderator variable to analyze the effects between knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. The object of this study is the Taiwan's IT hardware industry, R & D engineers. The empirical data are collected by E-mail and mail. The total of the valid samples are 287.
The results showed : (1) social capital has a positive impact on innovation behavior; (2) social capital - social networks have a positive impact on innovation behavior; (3) social capital - social trust has a positive impact on innovation behavior; (4) social capita l- gerneral goals have a positive impact on innovation behavior; (5) knowledge sharing has a positive impact on innovation behavior; (6) knowledge sharing - knowledge donating has a positive impact on innovation behavior; (7) knowledge sharing – knowledge
collecting has a positive impact on innovation behavior; (8) organizational learning capability has moderating effects on knowledge sharing influencing innovation behavior.
Through the above research hopes to provide Taiwan's IT hardware industry, construct an atmosphere to encourage employee’s innovation behavior.
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