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Author: 楊名正
Thesis Title: Properties of alkaline earth metal intercalated in FeySe1-xTex system by ammonothermal method
Advisor: 徐永源
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2013
Academic Year: 101
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 49
Keywords (in Chinese): 超導鐵基超導體氨熱法
Keywords (in English): Superconductivity, Iron-based superconductor, ammonothermal method, Sr, Fe, Se, Te
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 121Downloads: 4
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  • 摘要






    Iron-based superconductor KFe2Se2 (122-structure) was been reported soon after the discovery of FeSe and FeSe1-xTex (11 structure) system. From the results of lattice structure and critical temperature of the system, enlargement of the distance between FeSe layers is believed positive to enhance Tc. Ammothermal method, by dissolving metallic atoms in liquid ammonia, is reported a way to intercalate them into FeSe layers. The greatly enhanced the size of lattices and Tc after the intercalation was achieved, and not only metallic atoms but also ammonia molecular is intercalated into the structure.

    In this article, we first surveyed the quality of superconductivity with different ratio FeSe1-xTex., which is the most important material of intercalation. Some facts of compounding FeSe1-xTex samples are learned

    Strontium is successfully intercalated in FeSe layers by the method, the superconductive and magnetic properties and also the lattices structure are measured and calculated. .

    The experiments of alkaline earth metal intercalating into also applied. But the result is not as expected and with uncertain problems. Strange magnetic behaviors and structures are discussed

    Key Words: , , , .

    Contents Abstract (English) Abstract (Chinese) Contents Acknowledgements List of Figures Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Briefing of superconductivity 1 1.2 Iron based superconductor 4 1.3 Motivation 8 Chapter 2 Experimental Details 2.1 Sample preparation 9 2.2 X-ray diffraction 14 2.3 Electrical resistance measurement 16 2.4 Magnetism measurement 19 Chapter 3 Superconductivity of FeySe1-xTex compounds of different Ratio 3.1 Results and discussions in x = 0.5 21 3.2 Results and discussions in x = 0.1 26 3.3 Results and discussions in x = 0.7 29 3.4 Summary 32 Chapter 4 Intercalation of alkaline earth metal into Fe1+xSe and FeySe1-xTex by ammonothermal method 4.1 Results and discussion of Strontium intercalated in FeSe 33 4.2 Results and discussion of Alkaline earth metal intercalated in FeySe1-xTe system 42 Chapter 5 Conclusion 49 References

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