Author: |
鄭意儒 Yi-Ju cheng |
Thesis Title: |
企業諮商人員能力內涵之研究 A study on the competences of workplace counselors |
Advisor: |
Fang, Chung-Hsiung |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 186 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 企業諮商 、企業諮商人員 、能力 、得懷術 |
Keywords (in English): | workplace counseling, workplace counselor,, competency, Delphi |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 330 Downloads: 34 |
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(一) 知識部分涵蓋6個主構面及30個能力項目。主構面依重要程度依序為:「掌握組織狀態」、「了解員工健康」、「籌劃教育訓練」、「專業發展」、「研究與調查」、「重視環境變遷」。
(二) 技能部分涵蓋7個主構面及28個能力項目。主構面依重要程度依序為:「個別諮商」、「團體諮商」、「實施測驗評量」、「溝通與協調」、「宣傳與提倡」、「顧問與諮詢」、「協助人力資源管理」。
(三) 人格特質部分涵蓋3個主構面及21個能力項目。主構面依重要程度依序為:「了解自己」、「了解他人」、「人我交往」。
(一) 給企業界的建議。
(二) 給企業諮商人員培訓機構的建議。
(三) 給企業諮商人員的建議。
(四) 後續研究的建議。
The purpose of the study was to discuss what the competence to be necessary and how important to keep the competence as a workplace counselor. Furthermore, it was also to provide some suggestions for selecting, training, and developing the workplace counselor in the future.
There were several steps to do this research. First of all, it started to collect lots of relative materials and refined the literatures regarding workplace counselling and workplace counselors. After the literature review, it began to interview with current workplace counselors. There had been two workplace counselors to be interviewed while accomplishing the research. From the prior procedures, it got enough information to complete the Delphi questionnaires about what the competence to be necessary for being a workplace counselor.
After the questionnaires verified by experts, the next step was to implement the Delphi method. There were 16 people who were workplace counselors or the scholars in the relative field in this research and they were required to test for three different questionnaires. At last, the data from this survey were analyzed by several statistical methods such as means, mode and quartile deviation.
Finally, there was a conclusion. To be a workplace counselor must have three main competencies: knowledge, skill, and personality. Besides, there was a rank list arranged by the common views of the experts and depended on the importance of the competencies in the survey.
1. The knowledge item had 6 main ideas and 30 competencies. These main ideas were to grasp the organization status, to know the employees’ health, to prepare the training, to keep the adventure development, to do research and investigate, and to value the transition of the environment.
2. The skill item had 7 main ideas and 28 competencies. These main ideas were to counsel individually, to counseling by group, to execute the test and review, to communicate and coordinate, to advertise and advocate, to consult or to advise, and to assist to manage the human resource.
3. The skill item had 3 main ideas and 21 competencies. These main ideas were to acquaint with oneself, to know and to interact with others.
At last, it still provided some suggestions for workplaces, organizations in training the workplace counselors, workplace counselors and the advanced research based on the conclusion of this study.
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