Author: |
潘寧 PAN, Ning |
Thesis Title: |
流行音樂創作方法探析 —以音樂會《新生兒》中詞曲創作為例 An Analysis of Popular Music for Songwriting ― A Case Study of 《New Born》 Concert |
Advisor: |
Lee, Wen-Pin |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
流行音樂產業碩士專班 Graduate Institute of Popular Music |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 60 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 詞曲創作 、創作歌手 、新生兒 、社會化 |
Keywords (in English): | Songwriting, Singer-songwriter, Newborn, Socialization |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 324 Downloads: 7 |
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詞曲創作如同一首歌曲的創意種子,代表歌曲最原始的精神,也最能直接 表現一位創作歌手是怎麼樣的人,其思想及特色對於最終成品有決定性的影 響,因此筆者選擇研究詞曲這項環節的產生方法,以音樂會《新生兒》中曲目 作為對象,來探究創作歌手要如何在市場上佔有其獨特性,以及創作成果與方 法間交互影響的關係。音樂會共八首原創詞曲作品,環繞在新生兒的主題概念 上,透過創作表現出成長過程的蛻變,除了表達踏入世界之所思所感,也象徵 每個人都有過的經歷―社會化。為能貼切傳達八首作品的氛圍,音樂會的編制 會使用 DJ 搭配電吉他的方式,在曲目間快速轉換,做出不同的音場效果。
透過上述探析的過程,筆者明白在創作路上是一個持續修煉的過程,要如 何穩定的產出獨樹一幟的作品是件不容易的事,除了調整心態用對方法之外, 時間規劃上也必須有所取捨,對於作品的期許及視野,也會直接影響到作品成 果,除了性格及機運之外,抱持著什麼樣的心態至關重要,會直接影響作品及 職場生涯。如何成為無可取代的創作歌手,展現市場的獨特性,需要保有高度 敏銳及擁有明確喜好。突破慣性及盲點則需要自省能力,除了需要在專業領域 擁有一顆持續學習的心之外,有時也需要拓展人脈,認識不同的合作夥伴也會 有意想不到的創意火花,帶著感恩、愉悅的心情也較能在音樂路上走的長遠。 文本中也會分享筆者的音樂歷程,包括創作心情及作品理念等等。若能透過此 文本,帶給同為音樂人的朋友們一些成長養分,會是筆者莫大的喜悅及榮幸, 願大家都能誠實面對自己,在疲憊卻滿足的創作過程中自我成長。
Songwriting is just like the creative seed of a song. It represents the original spirit of the songwriters, but also showed the most direct expression of who a singer-song- writer is. The thoughts and characteristics of songwriters have a decisive influence on the final product. Therefore, the author chose to study the production method of this key link. Taking the tracks in the author's concert "Newborn" as the object, we explore how the singer-songwriter should occupy its uniqueness in the market and the relation- ship between the creative achievements and the method. There are eight original song works in this concert. Surrounding the concept of the newborn, the creative process of a songwriter shows the transformation of the growth process. In addition to expressing the thoughts and feelings of entering the world, it also symbolizes the experience eve- ryone has had-socialization. In order to properly convey the atmosphere of the eight works, the concert "Newborn" will use DJ and electric guitar to quickly switch between the tracks and make different sound field effects.
Through the process mentioned above of analysis, the author understands that it is a continuous cultivation process on the way of creation. How to produce unique works stably is not easy. In addition to adjusting the mentality to the right method, there must be some trade-offs in time planning. The expectations and vision of the work will also directly affect the work's achievements. In addition to character and luck, what kind of mentality you hold is essential and will directly affect your work and career. How to become an irreplaceable singer-songwriter and show the uniqueness of the market? The answer is: artists themselves need to be highly sensitive and have clear preferences. Breaking through inertia and blind spots requires introspection. In addition to the need to have a continuous learning heart in the professional field, sometimes it is necessary to expand the network, and knowing different partners will also have unexpected crea- tive sparks. With a grateful and happy mood, they can also go a long way on the music career. The text will also share the author's music history, including creative mood and work concept. It would be a great joy and honor for the author to bring some growth nutrients to the friends who are also musicians through this text. I hope everyone can face themselves honestly and grow up in a tired but contented creative process.
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