Author: |
彭欣怡 Peng, Hsin-yi |
Thesis Title: |
運用案例工作坊促進幼教教師教學省思與教學實務之研究 Applying a Case Workshorp to Promote Early Childhood Teachers Teaching Reflection and Teaching Practices |
Advisor: |
Lin, Yu-Wei |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2013 |
Academic Year: | 101 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 235 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 案例教學法 、案例工作坊 、教師專業成長 、教學省思 、教學實務 |
Keywords (in English): | case method, case workshop, teacher professional development, teaching reflection, teaching practice |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 315 Downloads: 8 |
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關鍵字 案例教學法 案例工作坊 教師專業成長 教學省思 教學實務
This study aimed to examine how a case workshop promotes teaching reflection and teaching practices of early childhood teachers. To this goal, the researcher invited eleven early childhood in-service teachers to attend case workshop. With the help of case discussions and case writing, the researcher attempted to understand these teachers’ participation process in the workshop as well as their teaching reflection and teaching practices after workshop attendance.
Eleven participants were invited to take part in the workshop. Data collection was carried out between August 2010 and April 2012. The sources of data included case discussions and group interviews during the workshop, individual interviews with participants, materials from the workshop website, cases written by participants, feedbacks and analyses on case discussions, and teaching records. The workshop carried out six discussion sessions on published cases and four on cases written by participants.
The workshop was held in three stages. Stage One focused on the discussions of published cases while Stage Two was the preparation period for case writing. To alleviate the pressure on all the participants to write cases, engage in analyses, and provide feedbacks, the participants with case writing experiences were invited to share their experiences. Stage Three was dedicated to the sharing and discussion of cases written by participants themselves.
The study discovered that the workshop was subject to the number of participants and the pressure of writing cases. The depth of discussions was determined by a number of factors: seniority of participants, teaching experience, interaction among participants, choice of cases, and cases being written.
Case workshop proved to encourage teaching reflection and subsequently improve teaching practice. Through case discussions and writing, participants reflected on teacher-parent communication, interaction with cooperative teachers, support for special children, early childhood education system, as well as the working and teaching environment they were in. Teaching reflection involved self-reflection on the practice, belief of teaching, on interpersonal relationship, and on one's own ways of thinking and learning.
Improvement in teaching practice was observed in teacher-parent communication, interaction with cooperative teachers, support for special children, and a higher level of emphasis on observation records. Case method also helped teachers understand how it was like to be in other people’s positions in a teaching scenario and develop a positive attitude towards all involved in teaching.
It is hoped that this study will serve as a useful reference for future studies on case method and relevant subjects. It is also hoped that this study will encourage educational institutions in the field of early childhood education to promote and adopt case method so that early childhood education practitioners could pass on their experiences and enhance their professional development via case discussions and sharing.
Key words: case method,case workshop, teacher professional development, teaching reflection, teaching practice
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